MR Y is a secret secret agent
and motive for my second
silkscreen print on fabric
i'm in love ... with this cover

work: men-at-work

i'm currently working on a men-at-work collection for my sophisticated annet couwenberg class.
material will be only vintage men shirts in business style (striped) and worker style (checked). i was thinking about 2-3 outfits, every piece (including shoes, underwear, accessoires) will be made out of this shirt material. performance could be kind of fashionshow, room installation or a little interactive stageplay (where people are allowed to choose elements out of the collection to complete an outfit.)

work: felt

"is that a donut?"

mica: the station

my fiber department
with lovely anna from sweden
(on the right, right)

work: crochet

i learned crochet today.
here my first piece with a neon-yellow-wool-shell-border.
watch out eyes!

work: weave

weaving is finished. it's my first little weaved carpet.
motive could be also a sports sweater from Yawilki Highschool. but it's not, it's just a Y.


my apartment has an ear. no joke.

work: felt

my very first felted piece.
felting is kind of sporty, aggressive and hippie.

work: weave

i also learn how to weave.
this piece must be done until tuesday.


is dutch,
blond and happy (mostly).
we have some classes together
and a couple of days ago
she lent me $15 for lunch.

work: yarn

how to make yarn out of carged wool.
a step by step illustration.

the digital t

during research for my smart textile class
i found this artwork by Linda Kostowski.

be smart

notes for my most sophisticated class, fashioning culture and readdressing clothing (smart textiles) teached by Annet Couwenberg

work: introduction to fiber

out of sketch book into blog

trip: pretty boy

there is an fantastic lake called pretty boy
40 min far from baltimore city if you go by car

people, i went to pretty boy with
dane (thank you for driving)
lee (thank you for driving)
alex (thank you for driving)

pretty boy experiences
swim in clearest water
dive in clearest water
jump into clearest water from rocks
catch the sun
explore nature
watch copperheads (snakes)

how to swim in a pool at night

1. drive/walk to pool
2. climb the fence
3. take off your clothes
4. jump into the water
5. hide when police is coming